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AnaLogiQual 2008
Software for qualitative analysis : Social and technical innovations
21-22 october 2008

From the start, social sciences have been using tools in order to process large amounts of data, mainly for statistical analysis. In the sixties, researchers attempted to provide qualitative data analysis with similar computer-assisted procedures. Since then, there have been very few wide-spread and notable innovations. Nonetheless, computers are now increasingly used by qualitative researchers, in particular for their supposed value in systematisation and in making the research process more transparent.

This meeting is the place to share, compare and assess the contribution of software to qualitative analysis. In particular, the conference will focus on innovations, whether they concern coding, transparency in the research process, data sharing, collaborative analysis or the design of new software features.

Editor : Ishs-Ulg, 2008
Supported by Fonds National de la Recherche (Luxembourg) and
Association pour la Recherche Qualitative (Quebec)